Issue Breakdown
We have a project file fully set to work with static lighting on mobile platforms. When we package and test in different Android devices the project including only 3D components (e.g., static meshes, skeletal meshes, materials, textures, levels, lighting, animations, cameras, postprocess volumes, reflection captures, actor blueprints and animation blueprints) all textures (e.g., lightmaps on the back wall, normal maps on the chair, mic and all other elements and base color textures) everything renders correctly in device. (Pic 1 screenshot from galaxy s23)
When we added the remaining elements for the app’s functionality (UI, Gameplay and Backend code) and packaged the textures not rendering issue appeared, no lightmaps or normal maps and blurred base color textures. (pic2 screenshot from galaxy s23)
We were able to get rid the blurriness in the base color textures by setting Mip Gen Settings to No mipmaps and un checking the Use Improved Image Processing box in the textures assets settings but objects in the scene still have no . (pic 3 screenshot from galaxy s23)
We have tested with as many possible render, platform and project setting as we can think of but nothing seems to have any effect on this, we have lower textures quality and light map resolution (pic4 lightmap density)
Any ideas on what might be causing this issue? can it be caused by a bottleneck in memory usage or some overloaded graphic process?