Texture UV Tiling for a mesh with multiple material elements

Hello, I am pretty new to Unreal Engine and creating assets.

I am trying to make a simple doorway asset with a megascans texture applied to it. I created 3 boxes in the modeling mode, scaled them to my liking, selected all 3 and converted them to a static mesh.

This static mesh now has 3 material elements in the details window and I want to change the UV scaling for them to match up. Is there a way to merge the 3 boxes in a way so that it only has one material element and I only have to create one material instance? or do I need to create 2 instances, one for the sides and one for the top to scale the texture correctly?

I also have 2 extra questions:

  1. If I want to scale the UV on the sides of the doorway do I need to apply the texture to the surfaces on the side separately before converting the boxes to a single mesh?
    This now comes back to the first question if I need to create a separate material instance for the sides.


  1. Is there a way to use the the dimensions of a surface to dynamically change the UV scale of a material?

Thanks for the reply.

I have watched a video about world aligned textures before making my post, but I feel like its a cheap solution to the problem and if I use it multiple times it will end up cutting the bricks in half at the top and bottom of the door frame.

And it also does not answer my other two questions.

So I made these 3

Merged them with

Now I have one actor with one material, but I have the UV problem

So I rewrite the UVs with a box projection ( reset the dimensions )

UVs are fine

Those are the only two methods, basically. ( map the UVS, or use world aligned ).

You may still find the bricks don’t align with the wall boundaries. Then you have to do a lot of fiddling with shifting the UVs.

In real life, you hardly every see the top or bottom of walls, so it doesn’t actually matter. There will be something else there.



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Thanks a lot. My first mistake was converting to them to a mesh and not merging them and there is a lot I need to learn about Modeling.

I will try this method

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