Hello, I am pretty new to Unreal Engine and creating assets.
I am trying to make a simple doorway asset with a megascans texture applied to it. I created 3 boxes in the modeling mode, scaled them to my liking, selected all 3 and converted them to a static mesh.
This static mesh now has 3 material elements in the details window and I want to change the UV scaling for them to match up. Is there a way to merge the 3 boxes in a way so that it only has one material element and I only have to create one material instance? or do I need to create 2 instances, one for the sides and one for the top to scale the texture correctly?
I also have 2 extra questions:
- If I want to scale the UV on the sides of the doorway do I need to apply the texture to the surfaces on the side separately before converting the boxes to a single mesh?
This now comes back to the first question if I need to create a separate material instance for the sides.
- Is there a way to use the the dimensions of a surface to dynamically change the UV scale of a material?