I wonder if somebody figured out a good way for smart texture tiling …
Usually i just do lerp multiple textures, mix in some color variation with masks and do change the tiling while lerping some more. But these results are never really satisfying …
I guess there should be a more easy way, shouldnt there be? Such as procedural, overlapping (e.g. normal-lerp) tiles in random directions.
It would be extremely awesome if somebody would know a good way to actually do this!
And just to explain what spooks my mind, 10 hopefully worthy minutes of pure photoshop art
(obviously this example “lerps” overlapping parts not via normals or anything …)
Really, nobody?
I know this wont work for geometry-based materials, but when you need this mostly - in a wide area (e.g. landscapes), it would be invaluable!
Just a little update on the subject - it is possible. This guy (Unreal Engine 4 Random Texture Placement Material - YouTube) does it, but he does not share the material. So i gotta look how i should start from here … Already have a idea how to achieve this with a set of 10-15 different alpha masks to subtract parts of textures while offset a new tile on another …
There is a solution for this that should work with unreal.
It’s quite a bit different but the result seems pretty great. I haven’t tried it though.
They call it Infinity Tiles.
Awesome! That looks exactly what i’ve meant! And i even figured an alternative way by myself in the meantime … but maybe texture bombing is a prettier path to go along
Will definitely check it out over the next days, thanks alot!
Texture bombing seems to be closer to what you were looking for but Infinity Tiles isn’t just making a higher res texture, it’s much more sophisticated than that. It tiles texture with variation using Wang Tiles. Texture mutation is what they call taking a texture and making either variations of it or a larger version of it and that’s not what I suggested.
Hi and thanks for your reply! Thats kind of what i also did within the material, just that it becomes very complex very fast
Texture bomging seems to work just fine on imported meshes - but not landscapes mhh … Well it’s time for some experiments. 0 wiki posts, 0 youtube (material) videos, 0 explaination, what could go wrong!