Texture Streaming Pool

I keep getting the “Texture Streaming Pool Over xxxx” message. I don’t know the technicalities as to how UE5 handles the textures, eg does it load in all textures that are in the project folder, even one’s not being used etc?
Is there a way to ‘Purge’ unused textures/materials not used and/or maybe tell UE to limit the texture size?

Appreciate any feed back


r.Streaming.PoolSize 4000

to set the streaming pool to 4GB, for instance.

In the editor, the streaming pool just keeps getting bigger, it never flushes. I’m not aware of a method of flushing it.

In a packaged game, it is managed automatically.

Thanks ClockWorkOcean, did what you suggested and for now the message went away but I’d still like to keep the thread open to see if anyone knows about Purging unused materials/textures or if just deleting them would help.

I would also like to know.

If you start the editor from scratch, set your pool size, open a certain level, and you still get the message. Then it means that your textures won’t fit in the pool size, even in a packaged game ( and will spend their whole time swapping ). Useful to know…

I do ArchViz so I’m not using it for creating games at least not at the moment.
If I start a brand new project and set the pool size etc, can I just drag my existing project folder into the new project?

The pool size is just a temporary thing. It’s not related to projects, levels or anything else. It’s gone again after a restart.

The only way to make it ‘permanent’, is to set it in the level blueprint ( for instance ) with a console command.

Ok I’m just concerned about running out of GPU memory…halfway through building the scene as it’s my first attempt. Only on 3060 with 6 gig.
I’m converting the scene from Blender…no big deal if I run out of GPU memory in Blender as I can just render on CPU.

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I never use offline rendering, but I’m assuming it falls into the same category as a packaged game.

What do you mean by offline?

Btw is there a way to control antialiasing, it looks a little jagged in my scene?

I thought you were going to render offline, sorry. You were talking about rendering on the CPU. Obviously with UE it’s all real time, unless you’re using static lighting.

If you mean while you’re actually building it, you can see the error, and change the pool size. If you still have fuzzy textures after changing the pool size ( or very choppy editor functionality ), then you’re just using too many high res textures.

What’s the default Pool size, I may want to change it back or does it just reset?

This is why I wanted a way to limit UE texture sizes so it reduces them down like you can in Blender but I guess that could be wishful thinking.
Any way thanks for answering my questions, you’ve been a great help :smiley:

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The pool size resets the moment you leave the editor.

UE does give you many ways to limit texture sizes. You can set LOD offset on both the mesh and the raw textures.

I would avoid 4k and above.

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Hi sbtlink,

UE should only keep textures that are used in memory as a general rule so any purging would just be to keep the disk footprint down.

As ClockworkOcean mentioned though, you can change the resolution that UE loads your textures into VRAM by changing either of 2 settings in the Texture Editor:

The MaximumTextSize can be specified as something like “2048” and the LODBias as an offset between 0 and 8 - telling UE to use the next size down (MIP) of the texture.

I have a tool on the marketplace that makes editing those settings very easy - you can select all the textures you want to change, right click and choose a LOD or MaxTexSize straight from the menu:

Thankyou, I will take a look at that.

Thankyou RecourseDesign, that was just was I was looking for. I’ll definitely take a look at that tool… :smiley:

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The texture pool does the purching and other optimisation stuff. This message seems to come up all the time. I think since virtual shadow maps are default its been in every project I worked on. It’s somewhat save to ignore unless the over value is very high. Check the link for some general info.

Thankyou S-Dot…extremely helpful :smiley: