Hello, I am new to these forums as I am learning how to build scenes in Unreal after spending 20 years in 3ds Max. I have been having many frustrating problems figuring out this new workflow and I am in need of help from you, the experts. Here is the issue that is the most frustrating at the moment:
I am getting the texture streaming pool over budget message in my scene and my NonStreaming Mips are showing a very high amount that makes no sense when compared to the texture stats.
Looking at the attached screenshot of my streaming stats, I’m over 3GB, but looking at my texture and lighting stats (both attached) the total of all the textures is less than 1.5 GB. So where is all of this coming from?
Also, every single one of my textures is set to streaming, and is a power of 2 (you can see a sample of one of my textures in an attached screenshot) with the exception of the HDRI, which is nonmipped and 197MB, so why are there any NonStreaming Mips at all besides the HDRI?
And why is the pool capacity only listed as 378.68 for those 6 rows that say streaming. I know how to temporarily and permanently change the total pool capacity, but it seems like going over 3GB would be a mistake and shouldn’t be necessary. I guess I don’t fully understand how all of this is calculated.
Anyway, I’m very curious to hear your thoughts and I thank you in advance for any help.