this happened to me as well, increasing the texture pool size to 1000 solved it… i was working with a couple of 16k resolution textures so that is probably why it happened… I do have to set it everytime I open that specific map with that error though… eventually I’ll probably reduce the texture sizes to 4k (16k is probably unnecessary)…
You want to make sure you know the amount of VRAM available your card can use. For example if you have a 2GB VRAM and you are maxing out that amount by setting the pool to utilize 2300 MB, I would expect your card to crash. We have a whole new set of texture streaming heuristics and ways to troubleshoot your texture streaming issues.
I highly recommend taking a look at our documentation on Texture Streaming before just ramping up the Texture Pool size. This route does work, but you don’t always need to max out the texture pool.
Thank you,
Wrong, I have to reset pool size every time I start any game build in unreal. After setting it, I package and still not set on pool size. Shows up in packaged game on top left corner of the screen still and bad streaming textures in game. This will happen for 4 cubes place in an empty world as well. I am using 4.16.3. Seems this has been a bug since 4.6.
Total Noob question here, but is 3000 much too large for the average computer these days? And is level streaming a solution to this issue? It seems like it would be if only a portion of your map was loaded at a time.
I used ‘r.Streaming.PoolSize’ and now I cannot get the stat log off of my screen. Cannot find the command for it either.
Re enter it and it should go away. Also I’m still running into this issue, but it only occurs in standalone game mode. I’ve tried the usual commands, but it doesn’t seem to change the settings in standalone game. Thank you.
um i am on mac and i dont know how to open the console command window? i dont know what the tilde key is