Texture streaming buffer not large enough

Hi everyone.
I’m having some troubles with texture streaming. I tried to look at the other answers on the forum but i didn’t find any solutions.
I don’t know how to describe it but at the beginning, when i looked at STAT StreamingDetails, the memory used was around 600 Mo. I didn’t add any assets ; just tweaking lights and materials already in scene and everytime i look around or go to another room in my level, this Memory grows drastically and right now it is reaching 80988 Mo…
So i don’t know if this is really normal (maybe it is, i’m kinda new). but the fact is that i can’t package anymore (it always fail) and everytime i launch the game in the editor, the textures takes a really long time to be hi-res.
I’m also having this error in the output log everytime i make a step in the editor.
The level is not that big and i don’t have many actors (around 100).
I tried to change the .ini files and looked at the Texture Streaming Guide to do so, tried to increase the Poolsize, but nothing worked.
I also checked “Never Stream” for all lightmaps so the textures are now fully hi-res when i launch the game (but some don’t and stay blurry during the game and even in editor). but I still have The packaging problem and the 80Go MemUsed for Textures Streaming
Any ideas ?




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Hi, i found this same problem, anyone can help us?

Bump, also came across this today

Any ideas here?

Hey guys,

So your best bet would be to better familiarize yourself with how to troubleshoot textures streaming issues by learning the appropriate console commands and ways to read the information presented. For this we have a documentation page dedication completely to Texture Streaming.

Texture Streaming

Use the console commands suggested in order to effectively troubleshoot your texture streaming problems. If you are completely stuck and have no idea how to resolve you streaming issues, I can try to point you in the right direction. There are a few important things to keep in mind like the targeted platform and the size of you lightmaps and textures. If you are using 2048 or 4096 texture resolutions sizes those can quickly occupy and consume your memory as it requires more disk space in order to stream into full resolution when viewed up close.

Thank you,

Hi, did you find the way to fix this error?


Actually we did, but it is not a real solution. We disabled texture streaming in Project Settings, and we had to lower a little bit every light maps resolution to avoid any crash on packaging… Thats the best we could have done so far.

Holy sh*t…
usually when packaging fails we try to optimize the scene : check lightmaps density, check errors when building light and fix them if there are some, try to cook content before packaging it…
I’m no pro but try to check lightmaps densities first (everything should be green or blue - if u have yellow, orange or red then lower the resolution of the lightmap per object till it turns green)… this is the problem when disabling texture streaming, it requires the full capacity and sometimes it crashes… time to optimize the whole scene

We tried to disable “texture streaming” and now the error is fixed.
We now have a bigger error:

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UnrealBuildTool: ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: D:\Desktop\vr_salone\vr_salone\Binaries\Win64\vr_salone.exe
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception: AutomationTool.CommandUtils+CommandFailedException: Command failed (Result:5): C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.17\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe vr_salone Win64 Development -Project=D:\Desktop\vr_salone\vr_salone\vr_salone.uproject D:\Desktop
\vr_salone\vr_salone\vr_salone.uproject -NoUBTMakefiles -remoteini=“D:\Desktop\vr_salone\vr_salone” -skipdeploy -noxge -NoHotReload -ignorejunk. See logfile for details: ‘UnrealBuildTool-2017.11.09-09.16.25.txt’

Can you maybe help me with this?
Thanks a lot!

Hi there,

Setting r.Streaming.MaxTempMemoryAllowed to a higher value than its default did the trick for me. You can read more about it at the Texture Streaming Configuration docu page.

hth :slight_smile:

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I went into the swarm agent (double clicking icon in taskbar), then clicked chache → clean then clicked validate and it worked. In the past, another solution I had was to find the projects cache (with 10 folders) and deleted it, then restarted project and all worked.

Thank you so much, it fixed my problem :grin: