Texture Painter

“Texture Painter” has just released with version 2.0 which introduces the ability to paint textures at real time using a projection system similar to version 1.0. UV seams are not an issue, textures can drive colour and MSR by default but can be used to control effects such as displacement, opacity and paint chipping. Options to use 8bit or 16 textures, as well as enabling physics on the paintable object are also implemented into the main blueprint, as are a series of restrictions to allow for a more accurate/consistent effects feedback.

Version 2.0 includes the previous version so you can still paint textures directly in the engine at high quality whenever you need.

You can find the pack here:
Unreal Marketplace

A flythrough of the in-game setup can be found here: YouTube Link
And a flythrough of the in-editor version can be found here: YouTube Link

Hope you all enjoy!

– Chris