Texture not visible in viewport

There is a warning that the grass map needs to be rebuilt. I have an automaterial that I want to overlay with a layer with the roots of the trees, I selected the layer in the Paint menu after the shaders are compiled, but the place that is painted with the layer with the roots is s
een as gray mesh squares.

There is a warning that the grass map needs to be rebuilt. I have an automaterial that I want to overlay with a layer with the roots of the trees, I selected the layer in the Paint menu after the shaders are compiled, but the place that is painted with the layer with the roots is seen as gray mesh squares. What are these errors and how are they caused?
Shared: Wrap cannot be specified, I have grass and roots textures and there is no place to specify Shared: Wrap. Texture samples I did not create for any texture.
Done with this function:

What are these errors and how are they caused?

Have you tried selecting all your textures and changing sampler source to ‘shared:wrap’?

( in the material )

I don’t know where to specify shared:wrap in textures, I don’t have a sample node in my project, all textures are in the Landscape Material Instance file

This is all my material with layers in separate files layer01…04

In the texture sample nodes, inside the material functions


But if it’s a pre-made material, maybe this has already been taken into account.

In the layer function, the value is set to white

These ones


Inside the layer function, there are textures, but this is not the sample texture. As I understand it, you need to flip the texture with the normals up?

It’s a texture object, so you’re stuck.

I don’t see that many layers in your material, I don’t think you should be getting this problem…

I myself don’t know what kind of problem this is, while the problem exists, I’ll try to fix it, but I’m sure that I need to create automaterials and materials somehow differently.

It looks just like the texture memory problem. It happens when you add a new layer to your landscape.

I searched around, and saw people discussing the problem when you had texture objects, and the only solution they had was copying everything into the material… :-/

Like I say, it may not be that…

Also not sure, but some things to try i guess…
Do you need texture object because of some blend?
If not then change them to texture2d parameters would be fine and you can also set them to wrap
as clockwork suggested. How many layers does your landscape have? Try to look in your project settings and increase the max landscape layer count, i believe 8 is standard.
Also depending on how many changes you have made to the material since last testing it sometimes helps to remove material, delete layer info’s and recreate them. Sometimes when testing materials and making changes the layerinfo’s can be a bit iffy.
And depending on where your normal maps come from you may need to flip the Y channel yes, but that would not give this issue it would only make the normals look strange.
Also right click on your landscape layers and remove all painted layers and then just test them one by one to see if perhaps the issue is with one layer that may be setup incorrectly compared to the other ones.

Hi D13on, in general, I tried all your recommendations, nothing helped, all other layers work except for additional layers, I have 8 layers in the scene, no more. I deleted and re-added the layer, it did not work either. The layers must blend.