I,m having an issue with an auto landscape material I got from unreal sensei. There’s a texture parameter there that supposedly I could change. When I click on the dropdown, other texture files in the project show up. But the texture I need (which i downloaded from quixel bridge) does not show up! please see image below.
however, i can go to the parent material, and change the default texture there. BUT… when i do that, now the other default textures wont show up on the drop down inside the material instance!
I dont understand. are textures further classified in ue5 that 1 texture apparently cannot replace another texture? please help. thanks
yes, there are a bunch of places where you need to specify what type of textures go where.
first when clicking on a texture you need to check what compression it has(this determines if is normal mask and on), if is linear or not, if the sRGB is selected.
in the material graph editor one needs to chose what type of texture is accepted in the slot. if you didn’t made the material then you just leave it be and set the texture with correct parameters
In your case it may be that the textures that doesn’t show up have different settings than those that show up. So open one of those that works and one that doesn’t work and see what is different
thanks for the response. also i found converting to regular texture when there is no vt on the landscape material, allows it to be dragged to the slot and shows up on the drop down as well. and vice verse (if slot has vt on it. then convert texture to vt if not vt yet then itll show up. thanks!