Texture Not Displaying on High-Detail Model in Reality Capture 1.5.1

Hi everyone,

I’ve created a highly detailed model with a texture in Reality Capture version 1.5.1, but unfortunately, the texture is not showing up. Does anyone know what could be causing this issue?

Could it be that I am overlooking a setting, or did I possibly make a mistake during the creation process?

I’ve attached a screenshot for reference.

I would be very grateful for any help!

Thanks in advance!

Hello @Terra_Over_Fly
What do you see instead of textures?
Do you have set the Sweet scene renderer?

If so, is it possible that your model is too big (over your GPU capability) and it is shown as point cloud? You can check this in the Application settings:

Hello Otrhan,

What do you see instead of textures? i see only a Pointcloud

Do you have set the Sweet scene renderer?

Hi, you see the point cloud only because your Rendering settings/Max triangles to display is set to 141 M tris:
and you model has over 180 M tris:

To see the mesh you can change the settings to show more triangles (the maximal value is restricted by your GPU) or simplify the model under 140 M tris.

Also, what were your texture settings? As the point cloud is B&W, is it possible that the Texturing style was set to Intensity? If so, can you try to use Visibility, Photo-consistency or Mosaicking based texturing?