Texture Mismatch in Material Editor

Hi Everyone,

this is probably a noob question but I cannot figure out what went wrong with my textures exported from inkscape / paint.net (.png file, 32-bit). In the content drawer as well as in the widget itself, everything works as intended. However, if I wish to use the exact same textures in a material, I either lose most of the transparency of the image or the image won’t show at all.
Texture Problem

Context: I use these icons for UMG buttons and I want to setup a highlighting material with a background blur (instead of creating another texture externally and switching between those two on hovering)

Thanks very much in advance!

Hi @Heigl_KFP

Make sure you have your base material settings set correctly. Change the material from Opaque to Translucent.

To do this left click on any empty space inside the material blue print and go to the details panel bottom left.

Thanks very much for the reply. Unfortunately, the problem already occurs when I simply drag the textures into the editor even before connecting it.

Furthermore, as I intend to use it in a widget, I would need the material to be of type “User Interface” which doesn’t allow for translucent shading.

But thanks a lot for your suggestion

You can use translucency in UMG
Also your image maybe inverse so try this setup

Domain space “User Interface”
Blend Mode “Translucent”

Hook up your basecolor from RGB via a OneMinus 1-x node
Hook up your alpha to opacity

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