Texture issues

When I apply the base color texture to the unreal asset, the texture becomes brown. I tested it in Blender and it worked correctly.
All other scenery assets are ok.
Note: I have already tried to reimport the asset, texture

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Can you show the material?

It is identical to the other materials. I even tried creating a new material and using the same texture and the error persists :confused:

It’s very hard to tell, actually, which object ( or all? ) that texture is for. I’m guessing the lamp thing.

In any event, the kind of effect you’re getting is what you would get if the UVs are off. So you have a very small amount of texture spread over a large area, that would give you a totally brown table, for instance.

What do the UVs look like in the engine, it should be obvious.

Example: Wood is a map, Metal is another map, tools another map. But they are all in a single FBX and all these props in that FBX have this problem. It should look like this:

The crucial thing is, what do the UVs look like in UE? Channel 1 in the static mesh editor.

Wow! You are a master! I checked and the problem was indeed in this UV channel within Unreal. Thank you very much!

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