Texture issue on a static mesh.

I am modifying the Drongo character for use in a small cinematic. I have separated the handgun mesh from the skeletal mesh and re-imported it as a separate mesh.
I have added the texture in the mesh editor and all seems fine. However when I close the mesh editor and add the mesh to the scene its texture is blurred and very low res. Then if I open the static mesh in the static mesh editor again while it’s loaded in the scene the textures resolve.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to solve this issue.

I just tried it myself and seperated the handgun mesh. Please import the .fbx file as a skeletal mesh to your project, replace the M_Drongo_Weapons material and check out if you still have the same issues.

Drongo_Bazooka.fbx (918.9 KB)

I used Maya to seperate the gun, deleted all LODs with lower detail and moved the bones for the ‘bazooka’ to the root bone. The deleted all faces and bones of the Drongo mesh.

Thanks I will try this today.

I have now imported as a skeletal mesh. I am not sure this was the original issue I think maybe it was something to do with the textures.
My reason for thinking this is the handgun model I had the issue with has now sorted itself out and loads correctly when placed in the scene.
However now that I have the Skeletal mesh for the Bazooka it opens up other options for animation.
FYI the skeletal mesh you supplied has the handgun mesh in it as well. Not sure if this was intentional. I am a basic user at this point.
Once again, Thankyou for your support and help.