Texture help

Ok so i’m trying to make textures to make a particle system. I make the texture in photoshop with a transparent background then i save it as a PNG. But then when i try to import it into Unreal 4 the texture is just a pure black box. What went wrong can someone tell me? Also i have tryed to save it as a Jpeg and when i do that there is no transparency it adds a white background.

I do not have alot of experience with photoshop or unreal engine 4, But Am i saving the files wrong or what, does anyone know?

  1. always save it as a png/tga
  2. make a black background and then import it into the UE4. Now when you set the blend mode to additiv it should cut away the black background
  3. You could also create a alpha channel -> duplicate one of the channels - Image Adjustment Levels - now you should adjust the values so that the part which should stay is white


Having a black background fixed it, Thank you very much!