Texture generation ignore masking (

Texture generation ignore masking.
After mesh generation, I created masks for unfocused part.
Looks like this - http://take.ms/AT40t
And saved all in TIF with alfa.
After texture generation I got this - http://take.ms/QcwV2
So i make conclusion what RC ignote mask then generate textures.
Can it be fixed?
I need sharp textures. )

As far as I am aware you can mark photos to be excluded during texture generation.

Maybe doing that will solve your issue.

ShadowTail wrote:

As far as I am aware you can mark photos to be excluded during texture generation.

Maybe doing that will solve your issue.

Unfortunately no. Its not what I want.
Macro object its particaly in focus. And I need to collect this cofused parts togever.

Hi Yegor
the easiest way is just to have enough OVERLAP with sharp pixels and then you do not need any masking or so. RC can filter out unsharp parts of image per pixel, if there are enough other sharp images seeing the same spot. try it on a small sample and see how it works for you without any additional work…

Wishgranter wrote:

Hi Yegor

the easiest way is just to have enough OVERLAP with sharp pixels and then you not need any masking or etc. RC can per-pixel filter out unsharp parts of image, if there is enough other images seeing the same spot with sharp area. try it on small sample and see how it works for you without additional work…

No, it don`t work.
Yes, I noticed what RC try to do some manipulation (its notible on texture) but its still unnatural and blured.
I have other solution a use - I bake two textures. One - default. Second - only few images with most sharp details.
Then I combaning it in Photoshop with hand masking.
And its give 10 time better result.

its all about I told before - need Dof masking.
or just masking… cause its not work.

Also, for Macro photos I think will be good to have DOF staking… maybe it will helps to makes all in focus…

And also i still have smal dots on image than try to save with Alfa