I’m new to Unreal but I think I’m catching up smooth.
I have a problem with my particular texture of fence. I have a long fence which is textured as chainlink fence with opacity mask applied and uv is repeated quite a bit. The texture seems to fade away with distance.
Looks like a problem with the mipmap. My guess is the chain links are too thin, so as the resolution drops they just disappear.
Tweaking the level of detail settings inside the texture details should help.
Thanks for all ur replies. I think it got little better setting playing with alpha level of the texture. But I want to try handtweaking mipmap level . So, Syed, how can I do this ?
I had the same problem and ended up bumping up the power of the alpha with distance in the material, causing it to become thicker when further away which solved the problem, and it’s not noticeable at all. I was also making a chain link fence.