Texture coming jagged in viewport

Hello Friends

I am new to unreal and working on a project where the final output is going from Unreal. Unfortunately when I load the textures in unreal, they look jagged in some places. The maps are all 8K and they look fine in Maya, but not in Unreal viewport. ref image is attached. What am I doing wrong? Thank you.


The overall fuzziness is because the texture is too zoomed in, you can just change the UV mapping ( a multiplier connected to the UV node in UE4 ) to sort that out.



is a UV seam. You might be able to get rid of it by choosing a power of 2 for the UVs, otherwise you need to unwrap the model more carefully.

Thank you ClockworkOcean. The UVs are properly generated and baked. We cannot offset, tile or multiply the maps.