Texture changing colour when I Launch?

I’m experiencing a problem where one texture is changing colour from what it should be in the editor when I launch the game. As you can see the texture is supposed to be blue, however it turns green when launching.

Hi rgaveglia,

Can you provide the setup for your material and if this only happens with this particular texture can you attach that here as well?

Any details you can provide to reproduce the issue is helpful. Without this I won’t be able to proceed.

You may also want to try testing in 4.12 or the 4.13 previews versions to make sure that there hasn’t already been a fix for the issue that you’re currently having if it a bug.

If you’re dynamically changing this texture in anway at runtime you may want to disconnect that and make sure that’s not the root cause of the issue here. If it’s just a basic material applied and not being changed via blueprints or code then please provide the information above.

Thank you!
