Texture Bitmap Sequence wrongly imported as Normal maps

Hi, I am having a problem with some textures I am importing.
The problem is that unreal wrongly detects the bitmaps as normal maps and changes the
texture group and compression settings


Obviously the textures looks totally wrong when used (blue looks yellowish, etc).
I can MANUALLY fix texture by texture but this is insane because I am generating
a lot of flipbooks with it.

  1. Why Unreal thinks those textures are Normal maps?

  2. How do I batch fix? Do I need to make my own Bluprint utility for this UNREAL error or is there a way to change those parameters to all the selected textures inside the engine avoiding going one by one?

this is an example of the wrongly detected textures:

This is how it looks when imported


this is how it looks as sprite

This is how it should look like :frowning:

Just guessing but i assume the importer is reading the colors on the image and because it is blue/green it assumes it is a normal map? Maybe some way to override, I dunno.

But batch editing images is quick and easy using the Property Matrix:

Just select all the images and right click, then:

you can set the compression settings for all of them at once


@BIGTIMEMASTER Thanks so much! It’s great to learn something new everyday.

Today is Property Matrix. Great Tool!

Yes I also assume Unreal made a bad guess because of blue and green amount of the image (I experienced this before but with single images and not big deal to fix).
Thanks Again!


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