I’ve had to output from a set at various tris and texture resolutions to right-size against performance in UE4, so I’ve had several chances to see what things should look like at the end in terms of where everything is and the texture. I noticed bringing in a particular batch of fbx parts that the scene didn’t look right, parts yes, but seeing tiny elements of texture completely wrong. Here’s a snip from RC showing what one section looks like, note the dark brown piled sticks and debris, but then also not the rocks.
Here’s a render from RC of a similar view, note the pile of sticks looks light beige on top, rocks off too.
It seems one of the UV maps is corrupted, tiny islands pulling from the wrong camera(s). I tried Unwrap again, also backing up to before Filtering Tool and Simplify Tool. I’ll try Unwrap again changing Max Texture Count, and maybe also Reconstrution. Any thoughts, has this been seen before?
Okay, very strange, here’s the scene textured as shown above, note dense point cloud floor and walls:
And here the same viewpoint after Reconstruction, note the missing areas:
Hi Benjamin
It’s NOT a corrupt file. It looks like misalignment plays a big role in the missing wall areas. Place some control points to verify the alignment. If you get 2+ pix reprojection error, then it’s for sure the misalignment in play - why is the wall not reconstructed properly…
To clarify, this same Composition was output without either problem I described, a) wrong texture information (most visible on what should be dark pile of sticks), and b) empty sections in wall after Reconstruction. Misalignment certainly explains both problems, had the thought that color was reprojected from a camera that previously aligned, but that somehow now referenced another image file, projected wrong color from there. If something caused cameras to lose their link to correct images, what could account for that?
My next step was to run Alignment again, lose my coordinate system, so have to redo all Reconstructions, but heh. The previous 1195 cameras wouldn’t realign into the same Composition, it breaking into two Compositions in this very area with the issues, making me suspect that this erroneous link from a camera(s) to source images is the culprit.
I can try exporting .rcalign files and merging into a new project, try a few things.
Hi Benjamin
It’s not that RC lost the link to images, the results of texturing are just all from source images, if you have more images with a dark subject ( underexposed ) and then lower amount of a lighter ( overexposed ) subject on them, then weighing ( more images with “dark” pixels in the same spot ) will take the more images where it‘s darker… So plan this, or disable some images… or do postprocessing when the texture comes out, and you WON‘T lose the coordinate system, only get it in a different position ( only if you change the COORDINATE SYSTEM ).
I understand that about the need for consistent levels across photos, that’s not what happened here. Each of the photos showed the pile of sticks dark brown, which rendered that way in several Reconstructions, then suddenly those sticks appears with very light color, none of the images containing that for rotting sticks. I had experienced some system issues, lost and restored a drive containing some of the source imagery, perhaps something got mixed up in that process. Anyway that’s now resolved, back to where I was.
I misspoke, didn’t lose coordinate system, I lost position. Is there a way to export coordinates via control points or such to position a new Reconstruction using the same imagery, tie-ins, etc.?
After a redo, new Reconstruction, this issue with wrong color on sticks went away. Unfortunately, long story, but had to redo once more, and this time the identical anomaly reappears. This time you see there’s no wall missing, but the Maximal error is a whopping 427.
You said anything over 2 would explain these small UV islands of light rock sprayed all over the pile of dark sticks (and much more), but I have a few observations and questions. First, the Median error and Mean error are under 1, so could that mean there’s an outlier in there somewhere, one really messed up camera or such? Additionally, these nearly 1200 camera poses dispersed throughout the cave produced (in chunks) a seamless model where texture on every rock and feature is otherwise in place.
If this weren’t some outlier spoiling the group, wouldn’t you expect a Maximal error in the hundreds to show problems all over the place?
In searching for answers I was going through Help and took a look at Shortcuts, need to spend more time in there, but noticed under Scene View 3D the following:
I wanted to use these to possibly point to the problem child (or children), but found them inactive. Are these tools not included with RC Promo?
In searching for answers I was going through Help and took a look at Shortcuts, need to spend more time in there, but noticed under Scene View 3D the following:
I wanted to use these to possibly point to the problem child (or children), but found them inactive. Are these tools not included with RC Promo?
Hello Benjamin,
this tools work only for tie points(alignment), not for reconstructed mesh.
Select 3D view, go to 3D SCENE context TAB in the reibbon and check ‘Tie points’ to show tie points in 3D. If you use this shortcuts, they should work.
Hi Benjamin
You are trying to export COMPONENTS again and features for the images are already lost. And components have not been designed to be stacked. If you need to export it again, select all images ( in the particular COMPONENT ) and change FEATURE SOURCE from USE COMPONENT FEATURES to USE ALL IMAGE FEATURES, then look at the CONsole view and use the ALIGN button, and watch that all images get detected features and cancel the ALIGNMENT process. then you can export the COMPONENT as you wanted ( So you get all features detected again and so it can be reexported )
Hi Benjamin
regarding the high reprojection error, please click on the 2 COMPONENTS in that project to see what sort of reprojection error you have there - whether it is from the 2 COMPONENTS or you get it just after the alignment