TextBox background color not matching what is set to

I’ve set the same color (1,0,0,1) for both Background color as well as Text Style / Color but their color doesn’t match, the text is lighter in color (it has the right color, which is set to) then the background (which is darker then what is set to).

Then I tried to switch Background color to “White”, and changed Background Image Normal / Tint to “Red” (1,0,0,1) but the background is the same, darker in color. If both Background color and Background Image Normal / Tint are set to “White” then you can see that the background isn’t actually “White”, but a shade to “Gray”.

Is this the behaviour UE team chose to use? Or I have to edit something else for the colors to match what I’m choosing?

Also, if you look at the margins of the TextBox, the outline doesn’t go to the margin exactly, there is a spot/line where the background color can be seen. Can that spot/line be removed?