Hi there…
I dunno if i´m just dump or its a Bug… but…
I created this small Widget:
Nothing really special… just a small Hub Widget to Show Player2´s, 3´s…etc… Stats.
As you can see. the Text “PlayerName” is a Variable, so i can change it when updating Player Stats.
The Update of the Stats happens first, when the GameMode registers a new “Handling Starting New Player” Event.
This adds the new Player as unique Item to the Player Array, and sends a Call to it´s Player Controller, to Spawn a Pawn and Possess it (Run on Server Event). Works well.
After Calling the Controller Event, still in GameMode, I ask if the Player Array length is > 1. If yes, hurray… second Player…
So… iterate over the Player Array and Run a owning Client Event to Spawn a new Player Hub in the HUD, and fill it with the Basic Infos:
Calling this on the PlayerCOntroller (who owns the HUD “UIBottom”)
The Activation of the Secondary Player Settings is in the UI Bottom Widget:
And finaly… the Update of the Stats in the Hub Widget itself:
And here… is the Problem:
The Text Object “PlayerName” is never valid!?
It is an Object, that i dragged into the UMG Editor… it is not created and added as child or anything…
As you see in the first shot… it is set as variable… and it also appears in my variable List… and i can drag a get and set out of there…
But… SetText always gives the Error of None trying to read property “PlayerName”… and the PrintString “Not Valid” fires… always…
Again… Am i dump… Did i missed something? Or is Unreal just a bit buggy here?
Edit: For testing… i dragged a Hub manually into the HUD, so… i just need to activate it… instead of create and add…