Text render can't be localized

  1. Configure localization with following settings

  1. Create text render with english text
  2. Gather text
  3. Create translation and translate this text to other language
  4. Compile text
  5. Count words
  6. Build game with following settings (both languages have been chosen for package)

  1. Run game

Text won’t be translated. I witness this behavior only by text render, other text on widget translated properly.

P.S: I have created my own font which have been properly configured to represent both languages.

Hello ,

When you create your Text Render, are you dragging one directly into the level or are you making one as the component of a blueprint? If you’re dragging it directly into the level, it shouldn’t even be getting included in the text gather, since you removed the “.umap” extension from your File Extensions under Gather from Packages. Assets added directly to the map aren’t stored in the content folder as a separate asset so they are stored in the .umap. Can you try including the .umap extension again and see if the issue is resolved for you?

No, I have my text render included to the blueprint class. However, it is placed on map. May it work wrong in terms of this?

I tried reproducing this with a component in a blueprint class (included a Print String as a control case just to make sure the translation was working) but this is what I’m seeing:

Of course, it’s not showing the actual characters due to using the default font but it does show that the translation is coming through as it should be normally saying “This is English”. Could you provide screenshots of exactly how you’re setting this blueprint up, as well as your other localization settings such as “Localizations to Package” and “Internationalization Support” under Project Settings > Packaging?

Hi, yes I can, but now I’m busy, I will reply until weekend.

We haven’t heard from you in a while, . If you’re still experiencing this issue, please leave a comment to reopen this post and we can continue investigating. In the meantime, I’ll be marking this issue as resolved for tracking purposes.

Hello , are you still experiencing this issue?

I had the same issue where render text was not getting localisation. The issue seems to be there if you have the render text as a blueprint component. I was able to fix it by using the ‘Set Text’ node in the blueprint. This then allows the text to be correctly localised in-game.


p.s make sure you are using ‘standalone game’ when previewing the localisation.

Fun fact - for post 4.20 I believe you can use ‘culture="eb’ in console to change culture in realtime.