Text / Dialogue based games?

I have been thinking about experimenting a little with unreal to create something along the lines of Democracy 3 etc - Where by I would have a game environment based on stats, rather than a 3d / 2d moving environment with cameras etc.

Is there a project template to start with for something along these lines? Or a tutorial to follow?

Does anybody have any input on this?

try this, here you can easy use stats and text and dialogues for gameplay:
the engine is fee, and uploading youre game for anyone to play free too if you whish to.

Thanks, but I wanted to do this with unreal as a proof of concept for a project my friends and I are doing. It absolutely must be done in unreal.

You can do that. Just create a level that looks like a background. Skyboxes or a room without lights can achieve this. Then create an extensive UI. However you still need objects and other developmont logic to make your game work.

I’m actually making one right now. All you need is to make the background just nothing and camera blocked. I just put in ui’s with buttons that take me to other ui’s. It’s fairly easy. Just create an event for a button on pressed, go into graph, connect it to a sequence, or not, and do remove all widgets, or remove all ui’s, from viewport, and then do create ui, add to viewport. Simple as that.