Testing Steam Listen Servers With More Than 2 People

I am trying to test my game with some friends using the steam online subsystem in a server browser connection setup. One player hosts the session in a lobby, waits for everyone to join via the server browser and then starts the game. Having one person join the game works every time, they can connect, be seen in the lobby and move around just fine. The issue I have is when a 3rd person tries to connect. If they see the lobby in the server browser, they can’t connect to it, and sometimes, if they see it in the browser, it will disappear when the first person joins. The rest of the time if a person has already joined, they can’t see it in the browser. I have the max connections set to 5, so it should theoretically allow more than 2 people to connect, but it won’t. I am using the test steam ID of 480, and was wondering if Steam limits the amount of connections using this ID for a single game or I am having some other issue.

If you need any more information, let me know, mostly just looking for if anyone else has run into this in the past, if its a steam limitation with the test ID, or if it is just something on my end I need to debug. Any help or comments would be appreciated and thanks in advance!