Testing RC vs PS - Trimming the cloud?


So after a few alignment false starts Im getting better results.

This one is 794/811 Cams aligned.

775M triangles in the reconstruction phase.


However no 3d package is going to enjoy that.

In photoscan at this point I can :

Duplicate the chunk to have a backup of the point cloud
Trim off excess points, or leave certain parts if want to export part at a time.

How do we do the same in Reality Capture?

Ive noticed saving this scene now takes forever…I gave up and walked off.



Hello, Pjenness,
you can use the filtering tool (in the Reconstruction tab) to remove unwanted parts. It will create a new model, so you will have a backup of the original one.

Is it possible to cull points from the allignment stage? I see there is a point lasso however I cannot find any functionality outside of exporting.

Hi erikjameschristensen

the Lasso tool is only for camera selections, not for selecting parts of meshes.
If you need to filter something out, you need to use the bounding box and the FILTERING tool.