Testing load times for a build, where can I clear cache so its like a first time load

I’m running a build on a streaming service in the cloud, when the server is booted up the app runs like a first time app, every time. This means the load times are much longer than running it locally.

How can i find the local cache on my pc to simulate running the build for the first time in the cloud?

I copied the .exe to another PC and it ran as slow as the cloud boot up times but then if you try and run it again it opens in about 2 seconds. No matter if I delete, rebuild, rename, it will now always open in about 2 seconds. I cleared my temp folder, tried to clear project temp files in appdata/local/projectname but I’m not sure which files to clear to get that first time loading experience.

Anyone got any ideas?

seems this is part of the load time issue.

-clearPSODriverCache making sure to use this command line when running, gives a better idea of how its running on stream. looks like PSO caching right at the start of the load is causing everything to freeze until its done.