Testing EOS achievements on Epic Portal (Game launcher)

Hello everyone.

I’m at first experience with EOS and achievements management.

I added the plugin to my project after setting up the achievements section in the dev portal. I have a blueprint where to unlock some of them and I would test them correctly.

My questions:

  1. Do I have to upload the build on the portal artifact in order to test the achievs?
  2. Do I have to launch the build from EGS in order to unlock the achievs and see the correct unlocked list?
  3. How can I exactly test the build I just uploaded on the artifact? Ok there’s the deployment section, but I didn’t find how to download or launch the game in the sandbox to do a real test case scenario. I read everything about Product, Sandbox, and Deployment IDs but didn’t catch where’s the exact step to launch and play what you have to test.

Thank you so much!

Hey, you need to generate test keys for each sandbox and activate them via your EGS launcher.
To do so, go to your Dev Portal, choose the product and choose Epic Games Store - Access Keys - Generate Keys. You have to activate the corresponding key for a certain environment.
And if it is not working, maybe you should go to DevPortal -the product - EpicGamesStore - Product Settings - Player Groups, and create a test group that can access all sandboxes, and add your team’s epic account into it. And try again.
And if it is still not working, make sure all accounts have developer role of this product in dev portal.
Hope this helps!