Test Services by Launch but SHA1 Fingerprint Differs

I notice if I try and test my app through the editor and Launch onto my phone it uses the debug.keystore based on the Cert SHA1 fingerprint. I believe this is what is happening as I checked the fingerprint of debug.keystore in C:\Users<my user>.android\debug.keystore and the fingerprint matched with the fingerprint that was listed in the error below from the log from ADB. My app in the Pklay Store uses a keystore I created and hence has a different fingerprint.

My question does anyone know if you can only do a test of the services such as leaderboard by uploading an APK to the console and then wait for it to be copied to the Play Store so the fingerprints match with what I specifiy in the UE4 build of the APK and what was setup in the Play Console when I first created the app in Google?