Hello, i tried to see if the Ad Test from Admob is working, but it’s not showing in the editor neither in my android (Packaged and dowloaded).
What i did is to copy and paste the Ad Unit test of Admob into the Android Project’s Google Play Service Ad Unit. NOTE: I didn’t put a Google App ID and nor Google Play Service Key. (I don’t have account yet).
NOTE2: I already signed the distribution (I mean, the Key).
This is my Blueprint (Interstitial Ads)
Before the Load Interstitial Ad function is a Open Level Function.
Anyone can help me, please? Someone with experience with Admob ads (No Plugin).
2.-May i ask a question: I read from someone that Admob mediation doesn’t work for UE4. https://forums.unrealengine.com/development-discussion/android-development/1430786-does-the-interstitial-ads-bp-really-work Check this link, i really don’t know what is the difference between the simple ad and one with mediation.
Thanks for the answer.