Terrain spline editor gizmo size

Is there a way to change the gizmo size of the terrain spline editor?
I’m unable to work properly, they are ridiculously big: http://puu.sh/b4yEr/84034aaba7.jpg

I have the same question. Is it really impossible to make them smaller?


There is no way to adjust the widget size directly. This is something that we can take into consideration for future releases.

Thank you!


Thanks. Yes, please consider that. An adaptive size like the size of the gizmo for the sphere reflection is great. Currently I mostly turn of the gizmo for the splines because they block my view of the scene.

1 year later, and we still have this problem…
I can’t see anything!

I still can’t see anything. :frowning:

2.5 years later and still can’t adjust the size of the spline sprite.

Seriously, why would this not be a feature? I can understand Epic has other features on its plate, but almost 4 years since this request. Seriously?

I think I know why they haven’t added a setting for this. To change the size of the sprites simply change the width of your spline. The default value is really large - like the width of a highway.

I reduced mine to 150 for a footpath and it works fine. Maybe they’re still a little large but at least they don’t fill half my screen.

If this tip isn’t in the help section for splines then it certainly should be in my opinion, it would save a few people some grief… :slight_smile:

Thanks LoftSeven, helped me from going absolutely nuts since there still is no option to manually change only the sprite scale.