Terrain Painting

Hi Ther,

So ive been following this Video : ARK Dev Kit Lesson: Adding Terrains, ARK Dev Kit Lesson: Adding Terrains - YouTube
Ive done everything he did in the video of the ‘‘Terrain Painting Part’’ But i cant get any Texture paint on the ground!

The only thing that is differend with my version is that the Mat_TheIslandWithMasks_Inst already has a basic texture,
And in the Target Layer am loading them from PrimalEarth/Environment and not PrimalEarth/Test_Jesse,
Bruze size/strength has been big enoug… and the falloff small enoug… but i cant get this done,

If anyone can help me please thank you.


Check the Settings > Material Quality Settings > And make sure its on ‘‘High’’ and not ‘‘Low’’

First make sure you set your brush strength high enough. To test it turn it all the way to 100%.
Secondly the editor won’t paint down right away. You have to hold down the mouse button and paint back and forth a bit. I find it easier if you just repeatedly mouse click instead of holding it down.
If that doesn’t work can you post a screenshot of your paint layers window.

Really Thanks for youre time Nanobot!

Ive brushed forwards, backwards, left and right but nothing,
i also watched the video again to see what ive done wrong but i cant find anything beside the Mat_TheIslandWithMasks_Inst has already a basic texture on the plane
wile in the video he starts with a black (texture) plane,

Ive been looking for the Paint Layer Window but ill gues you meen the Target Layers of the Paint part?


try brushfalloff at 0 instead of 100% 100%=weaker

Also now you should use the mat MI_NewIsland and MI_NewIsland_hole

Thank you for your time Uzumi.

Ive done the brushfalloff at 0.0, 0.1 up to 0.9 but i cant paint,
Ill gues i need to change MI_NewIsland and MI_NewIsland_hole at the landscape options. (Done)

P.s : Ive also made a new terrain a few times with differend ones like Mat_TheIslandWithMasks_hole_Inst and Mat_TheIslandWithMasks_OpenGL_Inst but nothing seems to help.

try selecting something else then grass to paint with

Ive tryt differend ones… Also i find it wierd that the preview of the material is not showing in the list… just a white ball… like am painting with transparend textures,
I keep trying differend things and settings am not afrait to try things but it wont let me,
it sounds stuppid but is ther a way to ‘‘Lock’’ painting terain… maybe i turn it on by accident.

no not that im aware of

Yaaaay… Problem Solved!!!

Somehow i had the idea my Settings were to LOW (ive got everything on LOW to save ram)
The First thing ive changed back was Settings > Material Quality Settings > High!

And than strait away the program starts to compiling shaders and showing the terrain textures ive been painting + i get a normal black texture at the spots ive not done yet!

And again Thank you Uzumi!