So ive been following this Video : ARK Dev Kit Lesson: Adding Terrains, ARK Dev Kit Lesson: Adding Terrains - YouTube
Ive done everything he did in the video of the ‘‘Terrain Painting Part’’ But i cant get any Texture paint on the ground!
The only thing that is differend with my version is that the Mat_TheIslandWithMasks_Inst already has a basic texture,
And in the Target Layer am loading them from PrimalEarth/Environment and not PrimalEarth/Test_Jesse,
Bruze size/strength has been big enoug… and the falloff small enoug… but i cant get this done,
If anyone can help me please thank you.
Check the Settings > Material Quality Settings > And make sure its on ‘‘High’’ and not ‘‘Low’’
First make sure you set your brush strength high enough. To test it turn it all the way to 100%.
Secondly the editor won’t paint down right away. You have to hold down the mouse button and paint back and forth a bit. I find it easier if you just repeatedly mouse click instead of holding it down.
If that doesn’t work can you post a screenshot of your paint layers window.
Ive brushed forwards, backwards, left and right but nothing,
i also watched the video again to see what ive done wrong but i cant find anything beside the Mat_TheIslandWithMasks_Inst has already a basic texture on the plane
wile in the video he starts with a black (texture) plane,
Ive been looking for the Paint Layer Window but ill gues you meen the Target Layers of the Paint part?
Ive done the brushfalloff at 0.0, 0.1 up to 0.9 but i cant paint,
Ill gues i need to change MI_NewIsland and MI_NewIsland_hole at the landscape options. (Done)
P.s : Ive also made a new terrain a few times with differend ones like Mat_TheIslandWithMasks_hole_Inst and Mat_TheIslandWithMasks_OpenGL_Inst but nothing seems to help.
Ive tryt differend ones… Also i find it wierd that the preview of the material is not showing in the list… just a white ball… like am painting with transparend textures,
I keep trying differend things and settings am not afrait to try things but it wont let me,
it sounds stuppid but is ther a way to ‘‘Lock’’ painting terain… maybe i turn it on by accident.
Somehow i had the idea my Settings were to LOW (ive got everything on LOW to save ram)
The First thing ive changed back was Settings > Material Quality Settings > High!
And than strait away the program starts to compiling shaders and showing the terrain textures ive been painting + i get a normal black texture at the spots ive not done yet!