Hi All
I have terrain but the size of the pattern of the layers created by the alpha map is wrong. Do I re-scale the terrain. Does the terrain resolution have to match my alpha map?
Is there a way to make it larger in the landscape material?
Usually you use landscape coords node or do the mat by diving the UV by the landscape pixel size.
Thanks I can control the material tiling with landscape material coordinate but my alpha map is 8k and the landscape is 2k. So only a center area of the alpha map is blending is there a way to reduce scale of the 8k map to fit on the landscape? I could scale in photoshop but do not want to lose detail. Or do I have to use 8k terrain and scale it?
first of.
an 8k texture is very expensive in memry.
If you Need performance, this is already a bad idea.
I’m not sure what you are trying to do exactly. But maybe the answer isn’t a twxture as much as importong a layer paint for the level?
A splat map sort of thing?
if thats the case, you should re-work it in order to assign it to the landacape layers via import. That takes the map in the same pixel size as the landscape.
Third, if you really want to you can still scale the UV of the texture to stretch.
using the regular UV Coords node set to render over the whole landscape will force the texture - whatever its size to match up exactly.
Very appreciative of this is information. I have an architectural flythrough. I used a map to control where the roads and grass get painted. With Alpha layer one layer for grass one for road. The map is a black and white that controls where the roads are where the grass is. Yes, a splatmap of sort. I am using layer blend.
“using the regular UV Coords node set to render over the whole landscape will force the texture - whatever its size to match up exactly.” Where can I put this node? I have landscape layer coords on the blended texture samples. I tried putting it in the world position offset that did not work.
Should be UV Coords / landscape size in pixel.
and you just plug it in the UV of the splat map.
However if you just import it as the grass layer (and roads are black), you won’t need to do any manual painting.
Ok That was/is what I am afraid to do if the image is 8k, then I need an 8k Landscape correct? I will need to scale the landscape down then because the architectural scene is only 2 km? Is that OK to do. Because it looks like my procedural grass was having issues with the land after it was scaled.