Terrain material Height Lerp and Slope Mask problems

Thanks for the reply.

Textures were all set to wrapped (1/16 samples), I’m starting to think it might have something to do with the alpha output of the slope mask since I’m able to lerp between the two height maps with a constant 1, clamping the result of the slope mask doesn’t help either (I assumed the clamp will put the output between a 0-1 range, but as I said my knowledge of shaders is shockingly bad so I might be using clamps wrong)

You said in my Answerhub post “plugging something like layer mask into height slot of LayerBlend is more of a workaround”, what do you mean by ‘layer mask’? At this point any workaround will do.

As of 4.11(?) we are now able to use Material attributes within the LS Layer Node, should this not also apply to the Height Blend as well? If so was it an oversight by the Epic Angles?

I feel like I am so close to getting this to work but the Height Input of the Layer node is just being a pain https://i.gyazo.com/563f347b8c7bd68e960d5cdaf144b707.png <- I switched to a 3 layer blend because that’s what I hope to convert my curret ls mat to