Terrain help

Hi I need a little help exporting from L3DT to UE4 but can’t seem to get it right does anyone know how to do this

I’ve googled L3DT to UE4, this came up https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?68886-Here-is-a-tutorial-for-L3DT-and-UE4

When the upper tutorial doesnt help, post a picture of your problem/a description of your problem :slight_smile:

I am havin issues with that my self. I am not using a huge map nor tring to use mosaic or tiled. Tring to do a simple import of the hightmap without the altitude, climate etc.

mine is a huge tiled mosaic but it won’t import to the right format

Just make sure that your heightmap is a raw 16 file -> then it should import correctly :slight_smile:

I am having trouble getting it to export as raw 16

One of my friends was having a problem with that earlier and he had to get the DEV version of L3DT for it to work correctly.

Still no answer? Sorry

Have you done it like that: ://www.bundysoft/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=793 :slight_smile: