Tentacle Sync and Live Link Face app

Hey all,

I recently acquired two Tentacle Sync E TE2 MKII timecode generators (link: https://pinknoise-systems.co.uk/products/tent-synce-te2-mk2 ). While I was able to successfully connect both devices to the Tentacle Sync app, I encountered difficulties when attempting to connect them to Live Link Face.

Live Link Face did not recognize the Tentacle Sync devices, despite them being connected to the Tentacle Sync app.

Could anyone kindly advise on how I might resolve this issue and ensure compatibility with the Tentacle Syncs. Any guidance or support you guys can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Hi! I have exactly the same issue with an iPhone 16 Pro : the tentacle app reads the TC with no issues but the LiveLink app doesn’t see the tentacle sync.

Replied to this issue in different thread. Should be working now for all Tentacle Sync Firmware as the SDK has been added to the Face App. If not then follow the info in this post.

Hi! Thanks for the update, I also answered with specifics on the other thread. You mentioned an update on the LiveLinkFace app: did you roll it out worldwide yet? The last version I see is the 1.3.2 and dates back from December 2023. Let us know if you know when it should be available (I’m based in Europe).

@Maverick_Arjun, @SmallByMacGuff

We’re sorry that you’ve been having trouble using your Tentacle Sync devices with the Live Link Face application.

An update for Live Link Face (1.4.0) is now available via the App Store which improves compatibility with Tentacle Sync devices running the latest firmware versions.