I’m working on a strategy game - but one where it’s important to be able to pause the game. We pause the game by calling
AController::SetPause( true )
We also have our own derived APlayerControllerClass where we set
bShouldPerformFullTickWhenPaused = true;
This allows the player to continue to move the camera while the game is paused.
Unfortunately the viewport becomes a blurred mess the moment the player moves or rotates the camera - all because of TemporalAA. When the game unpauses (by calling “AController::SetPause( false )”) then all of the blurring goes away. It also goes away if you manage to position the camera back at the same position and rotation that it was at when the game was paused (but obviously blurs again if you move/rotate the camera again!).
My temporary solution right now is to switch to FXAA when the game pauses and then back to using TemporalAA as soon as the game unpauses - but this does visibly change the rendering quality.