Template sequences

Since component rotators and other blueprint animations don’t seem to work in the sequencer, I tried to use template sequences.
A simple template sequence was to rotate the props. Unfortunately, it seems that the rotation in sequencer works somehow weirdly.

I.e. my props are attached to the sub body, and are slightly angled. In Blueprint, the rotation works correctly, with the prop shafts rotating along the angle they have from the parent mesh.

But in template sequence, it seems that the props ignore the angle of the parent, and rotate along the yaw, which of course makes the shafts get out of the sub…
The template sequence has the main sub as the actor.

What am I doing wrong?

Or is this more of a question on the cinematics subforum?

I have to say I find the “this works in PIE, but does not work on sequencer” very frustrating, it’s almost as if the sequencer was done in a MS way (by another team with entirely different design intentions).
