TEMP files ???

I just noticed that RC creates quite a bit of temp files - 33 GB in my case.
Will they be reused if needed or are they just leftovers?

Hi Götz

they are leftovers, can freely remove…
best if set to some big and fast drive like D:\RC_temp
And clear from time to time…

Ok, all right. Cheers!
Would it not make sence to let the program do that automatically?

Hi Götz

yes it make sense but for now clients not wanted-need that functionality ( more experienced with overall work with projects )
its a planned feature to do it auto ( after few days )
And you can set to clean the cache when existing RC ( not recommended )

An old thread but I only just realized the RC temp folder was taking up 200GB+ on my HDD :smiley:

A prompt or popup asking “You have 10GB of data in your RC Temp folder - would you like to delete now to free up disk space?” would have been really useful.