Temp and Cache Files

Hi, just saw the option to put the cache inside the project directory BUT it seems that in first it write in temp directory placed on the disk system … is it possible to define the temp directory to avoid low disk space on the disk system (I launch big model aligning or texturing when I leave my office at university and sometime … it crasj cause there is not enough space on the system disk) ? I know is it possible to flush the cache, but it will be more efficient imho to select a temp/cache disk (same or différent) on a different array or physical disk than the system one.

Many thks for all CR is really impressive.

Hi acheljay2
Yes, it’s possible and you have been there :smiley:

WORKFLOW->SETTINGS->CACHE LOCATION and set to CUSTOM, best if you set it to say X:/RC_Temp so that you can easily check its content and clear it from time to time ( when you finish the project )

Yes I did it (in project folder) but during the process of align and texture, I saw also my system disk lacking of place (in /app data)