TeleportTo function doesn't seem to apply rotation on the Z axis

I’ve been experimenting a little with the TeleportTo function withing verse FortCharacter.TeleportTo[] however it doesn’t seem to apply Z axis rotation to the FortCharacter(XY seems to work). Is my NewRotation wrong? or is there a bug in TeleportTo?

Here’s my code of making the player face a nearby object

if (LookDirection := (NearestObject - PlayerLocation).MakeUnitVector[]):
                    Yaw := RadiansToDegrees(ArcTan(LookDirection.Y, LookDirection.X))
                    Pitch := RadiansToDegrees(ArcTan(LookDirection.Z, LookDirection.X))
                    // Pitch := RadiansToDegrees(ArcTan(LookDirection.Z, Sqrt((LookDirection.X * LookDirection.X) + (LookDirection.Y * LookDirection.Y)))) no difference?
                    Roll := 0.0
                    NewRotation := MakeRotationFromYawPitchRollDegrees(Yaw, Pitch, Roll)
                    if(FortCharacter.TeleportTo[FortCharacter.GetTransform().Translation, NewRotation]):

If you mean that it doesn’t seem to be applying the Z axis rotation in the way that I think you’re meaning, I don’t think that the TeleportTo method allows something like that, because it would rotate the entire player - not just their head.
I’m not sure if there is a method in the character class itself that would allow them to look at a specific vector, but glancing through the digest on Visual Studio code, I’m not sure there is a way, not that I can find at least.

Okay, in my case i am trying to rotate the camera on the z axis btw not the rotation of the player. However do you know why teleportTo changes the body’s rotarion and the camera’s? if it changes the rotation of the player should’t the camera stay in place bc i am changing the players rotarion not the camera rotation? Or is it that the camera will always follow the camera(without doing anything else)