Teleporting stopped working

I made a bluebrint scipt which teleports the player to two different locations after sometime so mimic an ingame cutscene. it was working fine up until i introduced another blue print script that has nothing to do with the first blueprint in question.

the problem is now that it does teleport to the first location but does not teleport to the second. it used to work up until i made a few mre scripts after it.

here you can see the blueprint (i rearranged it for to screenshot it better)

i can promise that the other scripts dont interact with this one in any way. but if it helps i can provide any information.

unfortunately i have tried this and it did not work

I have no idea why this isn’t working, but you could try replacing with the set actor location node (which I assume does roughly the same thing) and see if that works?

Also, if that still doesn’t fix it, you could try hooking an is valid node in after the get actor of class nodes and print string off invalid. Just to make sure it is finding your actors.