I’m trying to create a teleport like those from older arena games where the player comes out as they went in, I cannot for the life of me find away to do it. this is what I have at the moment, The player enters the trigger gets teleported to the location of the output of the corresponding teleporter then has its rotation updated to look forward (I had to put this in for now otherwise its totally unusable!). any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Will have a look at it.
Late but see if I can find you my teleports.
here is how i do it.
For you, I would hold the transform in a VAR, then place that in
Thanks for the reply but this doesn’t work, rotating the player only seems works if you target the controller, even then it doesn’t keep the players rotation when exiting the teleport, maybe I didn’t explain it well, here’s a video from painkiller I’m trying to make a teleporter somewhat like that so it doesn’t adjust the players aim. basically if you walk through the teleporter backwards you come out backwards
Got it a couple working, this kinda stuff
yes something like that
Very easy.
In my BP, I referenced the second BP and my character.
On overlap, got the Character current transform and set to VAR to make it neat.
Teleported to location of second BP, set rotation with -270 in rotation. I have no idea why it has to be -270, just does.
I will post some code.
Cheers i’ll give this a go, thanks for the help.