What happens when your character teleports? Using a trigger volume, I set up my level blueprint following your image and was moved along the X axis without changing my Y or Z as expected.
Thanks for your answer. When my player penetrate in the box trigger, he is teleported but my Y and Z axis changed. When I take a plane and i fly, when i touch the box trigger, my plane teleport but i’m not in the sky like I touch the box, but I’m teleported in the floor.
What type of project are you working with (first person, third person, code, etc)? Also, are you using the level blueprint or are you creating a new one?
If you use another “Get Player Pawn” node rather than the “Get Player Controller” node for the new location setup then you should get the movement you’re looking for.
Thanks so much. My blueprint work. I find the problem. I have a problem with my vehicle physic asset. He haven’t collision. But When I touche the box trigger with the default character that function. Thanks for all your answer