Dear Epic Games devs passing by,
I’m so mad that you didn’t bring back the Tech Future Pack (witch CRZ-8, NEURALYNX & P33LY) yet… I check EVERY DAY everything i can about item shop since 429 days…
What a missed opportunity since you added 1-BALL & 10-BALL skin last season and this season is katana/japanese themed (and a bit cyber-japanese themed)… But no, you rather bring back those same pack again and again in the shop… I’m tired of it…
My biggest dream in real life was to become a cyber-samouraï/cyber-ninja doing justice, running like a Yamakasi on rooftop but obviously i can’t make it real for legal and skill issues… If this season i can’t use those new ninja/parkour movements & katana with the precious CRZ-8 skin i will be very mad & disapoint… Waiting 1 year+ for a skin in a videogame feel very long and frustrating… You didn’t even updated those skin with kicks (except NEURALYNX)…
So please, i’m begging you to update and bring back this pack… I’m pretty sure i’m not the only one who will be happy to get it…