TeamCity doesnt understand spaces

Hi. I am using team city for ue4.
I am using simple step to night build and store it on google disk (already available as g:Общие диски\ )

X:\GIT[UE4]\UnrealEngine\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat BuildCookRun\MyGame.uproject -noP4 -clientconfig=Development -serverconfig=Development -nocompile -utf8output -platform=Win64 -targetplatform=Win64 -build -cook -iterativecooking -map=TestMap -compressed -stage -package -archive -archivedirectory=g:Общие диски\Game Devs - MyGame\Builds\WindowsClient

but I have few problems:

  1. even if I am using english letters in disk name and folders - I can’t use spaces and if I have for instance such archive directory -archivedirectory=e:[BUILDs]\TEST TEst\ will not work and team city creates only folder TEST but not TEST TEST.
  2. team city doesn’t understand russian letters in folder names . I have russian name as google folder name (-archivedirectory=g:Общие диски\Game Devs - MyGame\Builds\WindowsClient).

resolved with 1) using quotes to get the folder name with spaces 2) stage to staging folder + additional step to upload to google disk