Team up for Game Dev!

Hey guys :smiley: Let’s Team up!


  • Can find, edit and make videos pretty well
  • Can find, edit and make Audio pretty well
  • Can find, edit and make photos/textures pretty well
  • have a long unique scripted story as game design
  • I’ve made 2 games (small part of my scripted story), working with UE since 3 months


  • Can Code with blueprints well
  • or make models well
  • or animate models well
  • or make environments well
  • or make materials well
  • and or are learning while having skills similar to me,
    can simply answer and share experiences and skills over discord to join :smiley:

I’ve been making my 3rd game but lack experience in coding with blueprints while having skills mentioned above. You can now easily team up with me, learn and teach, have fun and add ideas so we can make games much quicker, easier and perfected!
here’s my id on Discord Benyamin#2100 that you can send friend request. Currently 3 people including me are in the Team :smiley: so feel free to reach out!

, Benyamin

Adrenalin_kick#9532 what do you need?

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Hey Nick! interestingly two other people reached out for the team up just a day ago! so the goal is simply to team up on discord, talk or chat and since anyone has his own experiences, working on a single project would make perfection! I’m currently working on AI and weapons, need some people for creating environment, add props and emitters like fire, dusty air, etc which are quite time consuming. need to make events, puzzles, story events, etc
I’m Benyamin#2100 on Discord, I sent a friend request to you. I invited the other two to team up server


Hey Nick :smiley: I sent you a friend request so you can then jump in our team, we’re already 4 members!