Team is empty. Send event. Help

I’m making a bit of a weird map, but the thing is: There is one weapon in the middle, its OP.

The first who gets the weapon will be switched to Team 2 (wich is the team for the one with the OP Weapon) Everytime someone kills the player with the OP weapon (Team 2), he will become the player with the OP weapon (Team 2).

This works perfectly fine, I’ve used Class Selectors to switch teams and it’s perfect. The only problem Im having or better said, will have in the future. Is that when someone has the OP weapon and leaves the game or respawns. It’s not considered a kill so no one gets the weapon and its gone from the game.

I don’t want to put on: “Drop Weapons” when Eliminated because then it will be a huge mess.

Does anyone know how can make this with a player counter or something else, so that once Team 2 is at 0 people because someone leaves or respawns an event will be send to spawn the OP weapon back in the map?

Would love some help!
Thanks in advance!:slight_smile:

I was looking at the capture device from capture the flag games and seen it has extra ammo in its settings, haven’t tried it but this suggests its item can be set to a weapon.

It also gives on dropped and picked up events and I assume if a player left the game it would automatically drop or respawn.
Even if it can’t be set to a usable weapon, these events could be used by an item granter/ remover set up.

Might be worth looking into

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I saw this comment very late but thank you! Appreciate it :slight_smile: