Hello, I’m currently working on a 2 teams first-person shooter multiplayer game and I’m looking to have colors for players to differentiate between enemies or foe as shown in this post by riot under Friend-Or-Foe Fresnel; https://technology.riotgames.com/new…meplay-clarity. I want to be pointed in the direction to where, in terms of coding, different character perspectives to show their enemies in a different color. Thank You!
First of all, I’d create a material that has the fresnel effect tied to a variable (0-1). Changing this variable will make the effect more or less visible. Now all you have to do is figure out how you’ll update this variable on a per player basis. I think it is important that you only change this variable locally. Maybe in your PlayerState you can store which team the player is in, than somewhere you can loop through the player characters and update the materials.